Doctor Eston Wenger

Jan 30, 2024 | From the Desk of Dr. Eston Wenger of Premier Surgical Cleveland

Understanding Lipoma and the Role of Surgery


Lipomas, benign tumors composed of fatty tissue beneath the skin’s surface, often raise questions and concerns due to their appearance or potential discomfort. In this blog post, we delve into the specifics of Lipoma, aiming to demystify this common yet often misunderstood condition. Additionally, we explore the circumstances under which Lipoma surgery, a procedure designed to address these growths, becomes a viable and beneficial option. Join us on a journey to understand Lipoma, its impact, and the surgical solutions available for those seeking relief.

What is Lipoma?

Lipoma is a benign tumor composed of fatty tissue, typically found just beneath the skin. While generally harmless, if Lipomas become bothersome due to their appearance or if they cause discomfort, they can be gently removed by a physician. General Surgeon Dr. Eston Wenger of Premier Surgical in Cleveland, TN, explains that these slow-growing lumps are usually soft to the touch and move easily under the skin.

When Lipoma Surgery is Considered

In many cases, Lipomas don’t require surgical intervention and can be monitored for changes. However, Dr. Wenger emphasizes that surgery may be considered under certain circumstances. If a Lipoma becomes painful, hinders mobility, or causes psychological distress due to its size or location, surgery becomes a viable option.

Lipoma Surgery Explained

Dr. Wenger walks us through the Lipoma removal process. Lipoma surgery is a straightforward procedure performed under local anesthesia. Through a small incision, the surgeon extracts the Lipoma, ensuring minimal scarring and a relatively quick recovery. This outpatient procedure is generally well-tolerated, and patients can often resume their regular activities shortly after the procedure.

Consultation with Dr. Wenger

For individuals contemplating Lipoma surgery, consulting with Dr. Eston Wenger is paramount. Dr. Wenger discusses your medical history, thoroughly examines the Lipoma, and considers your overall health before recommending surgery. This personalized approach ensures that the decision aligns with the patient’s well-being and addresses their specific concerns.

Recovery and Aftercare

Dr. Wenger provides insights into the post-surgical phase, outlining the steps you can take to promote a smooth recovery. While discomfort and swelling are common initially, adherence to postoperative care instructions minimizes these effects. Dr. Wenger encourages patients to follow up for monitoring and addresses any concerns that may arise during the recovery process.


By understanding the nature of Lipomas, recognizing when surgery is warranted, and considering the surgical process and recovery, patients can make informed decisions about their health.

For personalized consultations and expert care, General Surgeon Dr. Eston Wenger Premier Surgical Associates in Cleveland, TN, remains dedicated to ensuring optimal outcomes for individuals seeking relief from Lipomas. Contact our office at (423) 472–5423 or request a consultation online, for personalized care and expert guidance.

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