Will my insurance cover my venous procedure?

Although insurance companies consider some treatments for venous disease to be cosmetic procedures, most will pay for the treatment of symptomatic varicose veins. Our office staff members will help you determine whether your insurance will cover all or part of your procedure. We also have several financing options available to help you get the treatment that you need.

What is venous insufficiency?

The term venous insufficiency refers to a condition in which the veins fail to circulate blood properly. Usually this is caused by faulty valves within the veins of the legs. In normal veins, blood is constantly being circulated back up from the leg veins to the heart. When venous insufficiency occurs, the blood pools in the legs instead of moving upward, leading to increased pressure, discomfort, and swelling.

What are risk factors for developing venous disease?

There are several risk factors for developing venous disease. These include:

  • Family or genetic history
  • Female gender, due to hormones
  • Pregnancy
  • Obesity
  • Inactivity or remaining in the same position for long periods of time
  • Injury to the leg
  • Hormone therapy

Women are more likely to experience venous disorders than men due to female hormones and pregnancy. Even though women are more likely to develop vein problems a large number of men still experience vein disease and would benefit from modern treatment methods.

What are varicose veins?

Varicose veins are abnormally enlarged veins in the legs that are sometimes ropey and twisted in appearance. They can be accompanied by a host of uncomfortable symptoms, including burning, pressure, swelling, cramping, restlessness, skin changes and itching.

What are spider veins?

Spider veins are groups of red or blue veins, close to the surface of the skin, that resemble the delicate strands of spider webs. Spider veins are more common on the legs and face, though they can appear in other areas as well. It is common to find spider veins and varicose veins together.

How can you remove veins? Don’t I need them?

No. In fact, your circulatory health will improve with the veins’ removal. Diseased veins are already not doing what they are supposed to—returning blood to the heart. Once they are removed or destroyed, other, healthy veins, will compensate to keep your blood moving through your legs correctly.

Will my vein treatment leave scars?

Vein treatment has progressed a long way over the past ten years. Thanks to advancements in the treatment of venous disease, you will usually not experience any significant scarring. If you do have a few marks after a treatment, they will be tiny and should fade over time.